Press Development of turnover in May 2020: +3.3% on the previous month

Experimental early indicator based on advance turnover tax returns shows current developments in the non-financial business economy

Press release No. 235 of 26 June 2020

WIESBADEN – The relaxation of the restrictions aimed at mitigating the coronavirus pandemic has had a positive effect on the development of turnover of the non-financial business economy in Germany in May 2020. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the nominal (not price adjusted) turnover in May 2020 was a seasonally and calendar adjusted 3.3% up on the previous month. This means that the decrease in turnover observed in the previous two months did not continue. In April 2020, the turnover of the non-financial business economy was down by 10.8% on the previous month, in March 2020 by 7.5%.


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