Press Development of turnover in April 2020: -13.8% on the previous month

Experimental early indicator based on advance turnover tax returns shows current developments in the non-financial business economy

Press release No. 187 of 28 May 2020

WIESBADEN – The corona pandemic had a substantial impact on the development of turnover in the non-financial business economy in Germany in April 2020. In calendar and seasonally adjusted terms, the nominal (not price adjusted) turnover was 13.8% lower in April 2020 compared with the previous month. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was a continuation of the decline in turnover. In March 2020, a month-on-month decline of 7.5% had already been observed. This development is shown by a new experimental early indicator of short-term development in the non-financial business economy, which is based on the monthly advance turnover tax returns. It permits early information on turnover development to be provided before the official survey results broken down by economic branch will be available. The non-financial business economy comprises industry, construction, and trade and services.


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