Press March 2020: lowest number of road traffic accidents since reunification

Number of fatalities also at low level

Press release No. 182 of 25 May 2020

WIESBADEN – The low traffic volume owing to the coronavirus pandemic had an impact also on the number of road traffic accidents in March 2020. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the number of traffic accidents dropped by 23% to 166,000 from March 2019. The number of traffic accident fatalities fell markedly, too. According to provisional results, 158 people died in road traffic accidents in Germany in March 2020 (March 2019: 234). The number of people killed in traffic accidents in March 2020 was the lowest monthly figure ever recorded since German reunification in 1990.

The number of persons injured declined by 27% to roughly 20,400 compared with the same month a year earlier.

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