Press Air transport in March 2020: number of air passengers down 62.9% from March 2019

Air transport from China down 92.9%

Press release No. 153 of 30 April 2020

WIESBADEN – Air transport was reduced considerably in March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Roughly 7.1 million passengers embarked or disembarked at the major German airports. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was a decrease of 62.9% year on year.

Compared with March 2019, the number of departing air passengers declined more strongly by 66.1% to 3.2 million than the number of arriving passengers, which was down by 59.6% to 3.9 million. There was an above-average decline in air transport services to and from regions that were particularly affected by the novel coronavirus at the beginning of the crisis. The number of passengers on flights from China (including Hong Kong), for instance, fell by 92.9% compared with the same month a year earlier.


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