Press Up to 1.1 million pupils in final classes at schools of general education

Press release No. 131 of 14 April 2020

WIESBADEN – Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the schools in Germany will remain closed at least until the end of the Easter holidays. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that, according to provisional results, this affects roughly 8.3 million pupils at schools of general education and 2.4 million pupils at vocational schools in the current school year 2019/2020. At the moment, there is a discussion on gradually reopening the schools after the Easter holidays.

First the final classes could return to school. Depending on how the final classes are delineated, between 962.000 and 1.1 million pupils would then return to the schools of general education. The final classes of vocational schools are not included in this estimate.

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