Press Wholesale prices in February 2020: -0.9% on February 2019

Press release No. 096 of 13 March 2020

Wholesale selling prices, February 2020
-0.9% on the previous month
-0.9% on the same month a year earlier

WIESBADEN – As reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the selling prices in wholesale trade fell by 0.9% in February 2020 from the corresponding month of the preceding year. In January 2020 and in December 2019 the annual rates of change had been +0.3% and -1.3%, respectively.
From January 2020 to February 2020 the index fell by 0.9%.


More detailed data and long time series are available in table Index of wholesale prices (61281-0004) in the GENESIS-Online database.

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Wholesale price indices

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