Press Number of abortions nearly unchanged in 2019

Again roughly 101,000 cases reported – almost three fourths of the women under 35 years

Press release No. 070 of 3 March 2020

WIESBADEN – Totalling approximately 101,000 reported cases, the number of abortions in Germany was almost the same in 2019 as in the previous year (-0.1%). The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that nearly three fourths (72%) of the women who had an abortion in 2019 were between 18 and 34 years of age, and roughly 18% were between 35 and 39 years. About 8% of the women were 40 years or older, 3% were under 18. Approximately 40% of the women who had an abortion were women with no prior births.


Basic data and long time series are available in tables Statistics of abortions (23311) in the GENESIS-Online database.

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