Press Population growth in 2019 expected to be lowest since 2012

Number of inhabitants in Germany increased by roughly 200,000 compared with 2018

Press release No. 022 of 17 January 2020

WIESBADEN – According to first estimates of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), approximately 200,000 more people were living in Germany at the end of 2019 than a year earlier. Standing at 83.2 million, the country’s population reached another record high. However, the population growth was much smaller than in the years 2013 to 2018. A similarly weak growth was last recorded in 2012. Since the time Germany was reunited nearly three decades ago, the country’s population has mainly been growing; exceptions were the years 1998 and 2003 to 2010. This population growth has exclusively been due to net immigration. Without the migration surplus, the population would have fallen since 1972 because more people died than were born in each year ever since.


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Demographic analyses and model calculations, natural population change

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