Press Turn of the year: Imports of pyrotechnic articles at record level in 2018

Press release No. N 018 of 30 December 2019

  • 47,400 tonnes of pyrotechnic articles to the value of 121 million euros were imported to Germany in 2018, almost 11% more than in 2017 and 48% more than in 1999
  • Below-average increase in prices of sparkling wine, prosecco and champagne in the last five years
  • Above-average number of alcohol-related accidents on New Year’s Eve

WIESBADEN – The discussions around climate protection and climate change also include traditional fireworks at New Year’s Eve. The quantities of pyrotechnic articles imported in the last few years, however, do not suggest that habits in Germany have changed in this respect, quite the contrary. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that roughly 47,400 million tonnes of pyrotechnic articles to the value of 121 million euros were imported to Germany in 2018, more than ever before. The quantity imported rose by almost 11% on the previous year and by even 48% on 1999. According to the Federal Environment Agency, firing skyrockets, bangers and the like creates enormous amounts of waste and introduces plastics and fine particles into the environment.

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