Press Just under a quarter of the households still use heating oil to heat their dwelling in 2018

Press release No. N002 of 2 October 2019

  • From 2014 to 2018, the proportion of oil heating systems decreased by 2.3 percentage points all over Germany
  • Large differences at the regional level: Between one in two and one in ten dwellings use oil heating
  • Hardly any oil heating in new dwellings


WIESBADEN – Oil heating is slow to disappear from dwellings in Germany. This is shown by the 2018 results of the additional microcensus survey of housing in Germany. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that heating habits did not change much between 2014 and 2018. In 2018, too, room heating and hot water in German households were provided mainly by the fossil energy sources of gas and heating oil.

Natural gas is used to heat one in two dwellings (52%). Just under a quarter of households in Germany use oil to heat their rooms. Compared with 2014, the proportion of oil heating systems decreased by 2.3 percentage points to 23.5%. In 20% of the dwellings, oil heating systems are still used for hot water supply.

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