Press Tax breaks for commuters: 6.7 million taxpayers travelled more than 20 kilometres to work in 2015

Press release No. 392 of 4 October 2019

WIESBADEN – Last week the German Federal Government adopted key points of the 2030 Climate Protection Programme. It contains a proposal to relieve long-distance commuters by increasing the tax break for commuters from 30 to 35 cents from the 21st kilometre. Using data provided in the tax returns, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) has calculated how many commuters cover such distances to get to work. According to these calculations, 6.7 million income tax payers travelled more than 20 kilometres to their workplaces in 2015. 5.8 million of them (86%) stated in their tax returns that they used a car to cover at least part of the distance.

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