Press Heart surgery in 2018: number of interventions up 23% on 2008

410,840 heart operations performed - mostly to implant pacemakers

Press release No. 380 of 27 September 2019

WIESBADEN – 410,840 surgical operations on the heart were carried out in German hospitals in 2018. To mark the World Heart Day on 29 September 2019, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the number of heart operations was 23% higher than 10 years earlier (2008: 334,262).

More information on the operations is provided in the table on surgeries and medical procedures performed on full-time in-patients (23141-0101) of the GENESIS-Online database (Codes 5-350 to 5-37b of the Code of Operations and Procedures for 2008 and 2018).

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