Press Maritime transport: Volume of goods loaded and unloaded in German sea ports down 0.7% in 2018

Volume of goods transported by sea-going vessels 58 times that of air freight

Press release No. 371 of 23 September 2019

As the data for one Land have been corrected, this press release contains corrected values for 2018 when compared with press release 148 of 15 April 2019. Detailed corrected figures are available in the GENESIS-Online database and in Fachserie 8, Reihe 5.

WIESBADEN – Maritime transport accounts for the majority of global flows of goods. The volume of goods transported by sea and handled in German sea ports in 2018 was roughly 58 times the volume of air freight handled at the airports. To coincide with the World Maritime Day on 26 September 2019, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that a total of 296.5 million tonnes of goods were loaded and unloaded in the sea ports in 2018. This was a decrease of 0.7% compared with 2017. The volume of goods loaded and unloaded thus remained far below the level reached before the global financial crisis. In 2008, just over 318 million tonnes of goods were handled in German sea ports.

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