Press Electricity production in the 2nd quarter of 2019: nearly half of the electricity supplied was produced from renewables

Total electricity feed-in down 4.5% year on year

Press release No. 367 of 20 September 2019

WIESBADEN – In the second quarter of 2019, a total of 56 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity were produced from renewable energy sources and fed into the grid in Germany. According to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), this was a 6.3% increase on the second quarter of the previous year. Regarding the total supply of electricity, the proportion of renewables increased from 41% to 46%. This development was encouraged by the law-based preferential feed-in of electricity produced from renewable energy sources. In addition, the total electricity feed-in based on the existing demand for electricity declined by 4.5% to 123 billion kilowatt-hours.

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