Press Inheritance and gift tax rose to 6.7 billion euros in 2018

Press release No. 309 of 16 August 2019

Higher tax assessments despite decrease in property transferred

WIESBADEN – The property transfers by inheritance of gift assessed for tax purposes by the fiscal authorities in Germany amounted to 84.7 billion euros in 2018. The property inherited or received as a gift and taken into account for tax purposes was down 12.7% on the previous year. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports, however, that the assessed inheritance and gift tax was up by 6.2% to 6.7 billion euros, almost reaching the all-time high of 2016 (6.8 billion euros). Inheritance tax accounted for 5.7 billion euros (+13%), gift tax for 1 billion euros (-20.8%).




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