Press BAföG statistics 2018: 727,000 recipients of training assistance

56% of the recipients were women

Press release No. 291 of 2 August 2019

WIESBADEN – In 2018, 727,000 people received training assistance under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) in Germany. This was a decrease of 55,000 people compared with a year earlier (-7.1%). The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that 410,000 women (56%) and 317,000 men (44%) received training assistance. The recipients included approximately 209,000 pupils and 518,000 students in 2018. The number of pupils who received training assistance fell by 7.3%, while that of students was down by 7.0% on the previous year.

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Statistics on the promotion of education and training (BAföG, AFBG)

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