Press Roughly 900,000 Germans live in other EU countries

Austria, United Kingdom and Spain are the most popular countries of destination

Press release No. 174 of 8 May 2019

WIESBADEN – The place of residence of roughly 900,000 German citizens was in another EU country in 2018. To coincide with Europe Day on 9 May, the Federal Statistical Office reports that Austria was the most popular country of destination. Roughly 187,000 Germans lived in the Alpine republic in 2018 (data source: Eurostat). The number of Germans there has grown for years; from 2017 to 2018 alone there was an increase of 5,000 people (+3%). The vicinity and the lack of a language barrier make it easy to change residence.

The data can be retrieved from the Eurostat database. No data are available for Malta and Cyprus. For further EU statistics, please go to "Focus on Europe".

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