Press Foreign population increased by 5.8% in 2017

Press release No. 133 of 12 April 2018

WIESBADEN – At the end of 2017, roughly 10.6 million people with only foreign citizenship were covered in the Central Register of Foreigners. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the number of registered foreigners rose by roughly 585,000, or 5.8%, on the previous year. The growth of the foreign population has thus returned to the level of 2013, that is, before the refugee crisis started. Looking over the longer term, the growth of the foreign population was higher than the average increase of the last 10 years (+388,000). Two main factors contributed to the development of the number of foreigners in 2017 according to the Central Register of Foreigners: first, a marked decrease in immigration from countries outside the European Union (third countries) and, second, a longer-term increase in immigration from the European Union (EU), especially from the countries of the EU enlargements since 2004.

More results are contained in Fachserie 1, Reihe 2 Ausländische Bevölkerung. Basic data and long time series are available in tables Statistics of foreigners (12521) in the GENESIS-Online database

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