Press Federal Statistical Office grants the 2016 Gerhard Fürst Award

Press release No. 418 of 25 November 2016

WIESBADEN – On 24 November 2016, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) presented awards to recognise four outstanding scientific projects. Three scientific contributions were given the Gerhard Fürst Award, while one project was granted the Peter von der Lippe Award. 

In the "doctoral thesis" category, the 2016 Gerhard Fürst Award was given to Dr.Stefan Stuth for his thesis on "Closing in on Closure - Occupational Closure and Temporary Employment in Germany“, which had been supervised by Prof. Jutta Allmendinger, Ph.D. of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In the "Master's/Bachelor's thesis" category, the Master's thesis by Natalia Rojas-Perilla on "Poverty Estimation Methods: a Comparison under Box-Cox Type Transformations with Application to Mexican Data“ was chosen for the 2016 Gerhard Fürst Award by the experts. The thesis had been written under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Timo Schmid of Freie Universität Berlin. The second prize in this category was given to Guido Schulz for his Master's thesis on "Aufwertung und Verdrängung in Berlin: Räumliche Analysen zur Messung von Gentrifizierung“, which had been supervised by Prof. Axel Werwatz, Ph.D. of Technische Universität Berlin. The Gerhard Fürst Award money is 5,000 euros in the "doctoral thesis" category and 2,500 euros in the "Master's/Bachelor's thesis" category. 

In addition to the Gerhard Fürst Award, in 2016 a commemorative award named in honour of Professor Dr. Peter von der Lippe who died this year was presented by the Federal Statistical Office to honour this long-standing partner of official statistics. The Peter von der Lippe Award was given to Dr. Ivonne Lindlbauer for her doctoral thesis on "Efficiency and Risk Adjustment of German Hospital Care”. The thesis had been written at the Hamburg Center for Health Economics headed by Prof. Dr. Jonas Schreyögg of Universität Hamburg

The Federal Statistical Office gives the awards on the basis of recommendations by an independent expert jury. This year's awards were presented at the 25th scientific colloquium on the "Productivity Paradox" held by the Federal Statistical Office together with the German Statistical Society in Wiesbaden on 24 and 25 November 2016.

The laudatory speeches on the award-winning papers were delivered by the chairman of the expert jury, Prof. Dr. Walter Krämer (TU Dortmund University). They will be published in the 6/2016 issue of the "WISTA - Wirtschaft und Statistik" journal of the Federal Statistical Office. In 2017, the award winners will publish detailed articles on their papers in that journal.

Short versions of the award-winning papers and more detailed information on the presentation of the Gerhard Fürst Awards can be found on the Federal Statistical Office's website (only in german).

More information on the programme of the colloquium and the short versions of the papers are available on the website (only in german) of the Federal Statistical Office.

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