Press Fertility rate in 2015 at 1.50 children per woman for the first time in 33 years

Press release No. 373 of 17 October 2016

WIESBADEN – The total fertility rate in Germany increased to 1.50 children per woman in 2015. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that a similarly high figure (1.51 children per woman) was last determined in 1982 for the territory which is now Germany. Compared with the fertility rate of 2014, which was 1.47 children per woman, 27 additional babies were born per 1,000 women in 2015. The positive trend recorded since 2012 continued.

Basic data on birth statistics are available in the following tables: Total fertility rate (per woman): Germany, years, age groups (Table: 12612-0009), Total fertility rate (per woman): Länder, years, age groups (Table: 12612-0104) Total fertility rate (per woman): Germany, years,citizenship of the mother (Table: 12612-0010), Average age of the mother at birth: Germany, years, live birth order (Table: 12612-0012) Average age of the mother at the birth of her live-born children: Germany, years, marital status of the parents (Table: 12612-0013)

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