Press Turnover in manufacturing in April 2016: +0.8% seasonally adjusted on the previous month

Press release No. 188 of 8 June 2016

WIESBADEN – As reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on the basis of provisional data, the manufacturing sector saw turnover rise in real terms adjusted for seasonal fluctuations and working-day variations of 0.8% in April 2016 compared with March 2016. In March 2016, the corrected figure shows a decrease of 0.7% (primary –1.1%) from February 2016. 

In April 2016, domestic turnover increased by 0.2% and the business with foreign customers ascended by 1.5%. Sales to euro area countries were 0.5% above, sales to other countries went up 2.1% compared to March 2016. 

Compared with the preceding year, real turnover in manufacturing showed a total increase of 0.9% in April 2016 after having been adjusted for working-day variations. Sales to domestic as well as to foreign customers increased each by 0.9% compared to April 2015. Among foreign transactions, sales to euro area countries increased by 4.0%, while turnover with other foreign countries declined by 1.0%. 

Cumulated from January to April 2016, the (working-day adjusted) turnover in manufacturing was 1.4% above the level of the same period of the previous year; domestic turnover increased 1.3% and foreign turnover increased 1.5%.

Basic data and long time series are available in tables Turnover in manufacturing (volume index) by main groups and aggregates (42152-0004) and Turnover in manufacturing (volume index) by 2-/3-/4-digit codes (42152-0005) in the GENESIS-Online database.

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