Press 1.1 million air passengers more in the first quarter of 2016

Press release No. 174 of 27 May 2016

WIESBADEN – In the first three months of 2016, a total of 22.6 million passengers departed from German airports. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), that was an increase of 1.1 million on the corresponding period on the previous year which caused a growth of 5.3%. 

Passenger flows to foreign countries (17.2 million passengers) grew by 5.8% and national traffic (5.4 million) increased by 3.6%. 

Broken down In terms of continents with a plus of 6.7% Europe grew about as twice as much as intercontinental traffic (+3.2%). The increase for Europe mainly stems from passenger flows to the most important country Spain which went up by 13.1%. 

The growth rates for Asia (+6.3%) and for America (+6.0%) showed the same dimension. The result for Africa went down by 12.8% because of the plunges of nearly a third for Egypt and Tunisia, two classical holiday destinations.

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