Press Number of employees in manufacturing in March 2016: +1.0% year on year

Press release No. 164 of 17 May 2016

WIESBADEN – At the end of March 2016, nearly 5.4 million people worked in local units of manufacturing with 50 or more persons employed in Germany. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on the basis of provisional results, that was a rise by about 51,000 persons or 1.0% against March 2015.

The number of hours worked in March 2016 decreased 3.2% from a year earlier, reaching 717 million – here it has to be considered that there was one working day less than in March 2015.

The earnings amounted to 21.6 billion euros; that was 2.4% more than in March 2015.

Basic data and long time series are available in tables Persons employed and turnover of local units in manufacturing (42111-0002) and 42111-0004 in the GENESIS-Online database.

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