Press Production in March 2016: –1.3% seasonally adjusted on the previous month

Press release No. 156 of 10 May 2016

WIESBADEN – In March 2016,production in industry was down by 1.3% from the previous month on a price, seasonally and working day adjusted basis according to provisional data of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). In February 2016, the corrected figure shows a decreased of 0.7% (primary –0.5%) from January 2016. 

In March 2016, production in industry excluding energy and construction was down by 1.2%. Within industry, the production of capital goods decreased by 1.4%.The production of intermediate goods decreased by 1.3% and the production of consumer goods by 0.2%. Energy production was up by 0.3% in March 2016 and the production in construction decreased by 3.2%. 

The rates of change refer to the production index for the industry (2010 = 100). Seasonal and working day adjustment is done using the Census X-12-ARIMA method. 

By way of the regular annual revision, results from January to December 2015 have also been revised. Basic data and long time series on the production index in industry are also available through the table "Index of production in manufacturing" (42153-0001) in the GENESIS-Online database.

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