Press Gender pay gap in Germany at 21%

Effects of minimum wage are especially noticeable in eastern Germany

Press release No. 097 of 16 March 2016

WIESBADEN - In 2015, the unadjusted gender pay gap declined by 1 percentage point compared with the previous years. To coincide with the Equal Pay Day on 19 March 2015, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports on the basis of updated results that the average gross hourly earnings of women (16.20 euros) were 21% lower than those of men (20.59 euros).

In this respect, the differences between the former territory of the Federal Republic and the new Länder were again large. In 2015 the unadjusted gender pay gap amounted to 8% in the new Länder, while it was 23% in the former territory of the Federal Republic.

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