Press 2015: strongest increase in private consumption expenditure since 2000

Press release No. 096 of 15 March 2016

WIESBADEN – The price-adjusted private consumption expenditure in Germany rose 1.9% in 2015 year on year. To coincide with the World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was the highest increase since 2000 (+2.1%). Substantial reasons for this clear rise were the households' positive tendency to consume and the small increase in consumer prices (2015: +0.3%). Measured at current prices - that is, including inflation - private consumption expenditure was up 2.6% to stand at 1.63 trillion euros. 

At current prices, households in 2015 spent more on accommodation and food and beverage services (+6.0%) and on furnishings and household equipment (+3.4%), in particular. Consumption expenditure for housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels increased by only 1.1%. This was mainly due to declining heating oil prices.

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