Press Professional and technical services: turnover up 4.5% in 2015

Press release No. 083 of 9 March 2016

WIESBADEN – In 2015, turnover in professional and technical services increased by 4.5% year on year. The number of persons employed rose by 2.2%. Based on first calculations, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that turnover in the fourth quarter of 2015 increased by a nominal 6.0% compared with the same quarter of 2014. Hence turnover has been higher in each quarter since the second quarter of 2013 compared with the corresponding quarter of the previous year. The number of persons employed was up 2.1% in the fourth quarter of 2015 on the same quarter a year earlier.

Economic activities in professional and technical services include, among other things, legal and accounting activities, architectural and engineering activities, technical testing and analysis, management consultancy activities, advertising and market research, design and photographic activities, and translation and interpretation activities.

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