Press Number of traffic accident fatalities up 2.9% in 2015

Press release No. 060 of 25 February 2016

WIESBADEN – In 2015, 3,475 people died on German roads. Based on provisional figures, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was an increase of 98 people or 2.9% compared with 2014. The number of traffic accident fatalities thus increased for the second year in a row. The lowest level since 1950 was recorded in 2013 when the number of fatalities amounted to 3,339. The number of seriously or slightly injured people rose by 1.1% to roughly 393,700 in 2015 year on year. 

The total number of accidents registered by the police increased last year, too. It amounted to approximately 2.50 million (+4.2%). The number of accidents that involved only material damage was up 4.6% to stand at 2.20 million, while the number of personal injury accidents rose by 1.1% to roughly 305,900.

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