Press Stagnation of air freight in 2015

Press release No. 058 of 23 February 2016

WIESBADEN – As reported by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis) compared to 2014 transhipments of the German air-freight market stagnated (–0.2%). Like 2014 loaded and unloaded goods reached a level of 4.3 million tons. Cargo carried abroad (2.2 million tons) grew by 0.3% whereas freight received from abroad (2.0 million tons) decreased by 0.8%. Transhipments in connection with foreign countries showed also the same values as 2014 (–0.2%). 

Contrary to the development of the whole market freight exchanged with European airports grew by 7.9% with an increase of 9.4% for loaded and of 6.2% for unloaded goods. 

Intercontinental traffic saw an increase only for Africa: Deliveries from Germany went up by 9.2% and receipts by 8.6% resulting in a plus for transhipments of 9.0% for this continent.

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