Press Expenditure on public schools in 2013: 6,500 euros per pupil

Press release No. 053 of 18 February 2016

WIESBADEN – In 2013, an average of 6,500 euros per pupil was spent from public budgets on education in public schools. To coincide with the Didacta Trade Fair for Education and Training in Cologne (16 to 20 February), the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the per capita expenditure for pupils at schools of general education amounted to approximately 7,100 euros, while it was roughly 4,500 euros for pupils at vocational schools. 

The expenditure per pupil varied between different types of schools. It was 5,600 euros at primary schools and 7,500 euros each at grammar schools and at integrated comprehensive schools. The comparatively low per capita expenditure of 2,800 euros at vocational schools in the dual system of vocational education and training is above all due to part-time education.

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