Press Percentage of children under three in child care exceeds 50% in almost all eastern German districts

Press release No. 034 of 2 February 2016

WIESBADEN – In almost all administrative districts in eastern Germany, more than 50% of the children under the age of three were cared for in day care centres or by day care services on 1 March 2015. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was the case in 68 of the total of 77 rural districts and towns not attached to an administrative district in the new Länder (including Berlin).
The number of children in day care includes all children that were actually cared for on 1 March 2015. Child care places created or approved after that date have not been taken into account.

In the country as a whole, the percentages of under-three-year-olds in child care were highest in Sachsen-Anhalt. The Börde rural area ranked first (63.1%), followed by the Jerichower Land rural area (62.9%). The nationwide lowest percentage was recorded in the Berchtesgadener Land rural district (13.0%) in Bayern.

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