Press Significant population growth to at least 81.9 million in 2015

Press release No. 032 of 29 January 2016

WIESBADEN – According to estimates of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), Germany's population is expected to have increased from just under 81.2 million at the start of 2015 to at least 81.9 million at the end of the year.

The number of live births is expected to have ranged between 705,000 and 730,000, while that of deaths between 905,000 and 930,000. Hence the number of births would have been roughly at previous year's level or have increased only slightly. However, the number of deaths would have been much higher than in 2014. The birth deficit, that is, the difference between births and deaths, is expected to have ranged between 190,000 and 215,000 in 2015. A year earlier, it was only 153,000 due to an increased number of births (715,000) and a very low number of deaths (868,000).

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