Press Parental allowance – 14% of new recipients choose ElterngeldPlus

Press release No. 027 of 27 January 2016

WIESBADEN – In the third quarter of 2015, a total of just over 885,000 people in Germany received parental allowance, 83% of whom were mothers (738,000) and 17% of whom were fathers (147,000). This is reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on the basis of the stock statistics of parental allowance. The statistics also provide information, for the first time, on the newly introduced ElterngeldPlus. Parents whose children were born on or after 1 July 2015 may choose between the basic Elterngeld (previous parental allowance) and the ElterngeldPlus package or combine the two. The period of receipt can thus be significantly extended because one Elterngeld month becomes two ElterngeldPlus months.

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