Methods Seasonal adjustment

The aim of seasonal adjustment is to eliminate those seasonal variations from time series values which can be expected to occur every year during the same seasons with similar intensity. An example is the effects of typical seasonal fluctuations in weather or average decreases recorded in holiday months. Seasonal adjustment often also includes calendar adjustment. This is aimed at adjusting effects which arise from changing numbers of working or trading days or certain days of the week in the quarters or months. For more information on seasonal adjustment please refer to Wirtschaft und Statistik 4/2018.

The seasonal adjustment procedures used at the Federal Statistical Office are X12-ARIMA and X13 in JDemetra+. In addition, the Federal Statistical Office uses the BV4.1 method.

Please find the seasonally adjusted time series in the GENESIS Online database. The most important time series are shown also on our webpages on "calendar and seasonally adjusted short-term indicators".