Press releases

17 July 2024 Stock of orders in manufacturing in May 2024: -0.4% on the previous month


12 July 2024 Wholesale prices in June 2024: -0.6% on June 2023


11 July 2024 Inflation rate at +2.2% in June 2024


9 July 2024 Mortality figures in June 2024 around the median of the previous years


9 July 2024 Truck toll mileage index in June 2024: -0.1% on the previous month


Current News

Microcensus 2024

In the period from January to December 2024, a total of roughly 380,000 households and collective living quarters will be selected using random sampling and the residents surveyed. This is equivalent to approximately 1% of Germany's population. The results of the microcensus provide the general public, policy-makers and the scientific community with a wide range of information on life in Germany. They serve as an important basis for policy decisions that affect the lives of many people.

Explanatory video about the microcensus


"EXDAT – Experimental data" is now called "EXSTAT – Experimental statistics": up to now, new, innovative project results with novel data sources have been published in the EXDAT section. The decision to rename the section "EXSTAT" is primarily to ensure consistency within Europe. Several national statistical institutes and Eurostat refer to "experimental statistics". Furthermore, the term EXSTAT has a much broader scope and encompasses both innovative methods and new kinds of data sources.

Experimental statistics


Wirtschaft und Statistik journal

Data on births and deaths of enterprises, high-growth enterprises and the survival rates of newly born enterprises are important indicators for assessing the dynamics of a national economy. This "business demography" information is now also available at regional level across Europe. One of the articles in the current issue of WISTA, our scientific journal, presents first results at regional level for Germany and outlines the possibilities for further in-depth regional analyses.

WISTA - Scientific Journal