9 March 2023
Electricity production in 2022: coal accounted for a third, wind power for a quarter
As in the preceding years, coal was the main energy source in electricity production in Germany in 2022. Based on provisional results, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that one third (33.3%) of the electricity produced in Germany and fed into the grid was generated by coal-fired power plants (2021: 30.2%). This means that coal-generated electricity increased by 8.4% compared with the previous year. Wind power was the second most important energy source. After the previous year had been relatively windless, its share increased by 9.4% to just under one quarter (24.1%) of electricity production (2021: 21.6%). In total, 509 billion kilowatt hours of electricity were produced and fed into the grid in Germany in 2022. This was a decrease of 1.9% compared with 2021.
Gross electricity production in 2024: 57% came from renewable energy sources
Approximately 497 billion kilowatt hours of electricity were produced in Germany in 2024, 57% of which came from renewable energy sources. Green electricity was generated mainly from wind power (27.9%), biomass (8.0%) and photovoltaics (11.0%)